Thursday, July 11, 2013

Feeling sick

I never had "morning" sickness when I was pregnant with Makenzie, so I'm not sure exactly if that's what is going on, but I feel awful.  I had done so good up until getting the stomach virus last weekend.  All week I have been so nauseous and can't eat.  Even my favorite foods I can only take 1 or 2 bites and I feel sick.  It's the worst feeling ever.  And to top it off I caught a cold.  My throat is swollen and on fire and lots of drainage.  I just need to sleep it off for a few days....yea right!!

Scotty came home early last night and cooked dinner and kept Makenzie busy so I could lay down.  He's such a good daddy and Makenzie just loves him so much!  I love watching them play together.

Makenzie amazes me everyday at little things she has picked up.  They are nothing big but just things I didn't know she knew.  Tonight she spilt a little water on the coffee table and she ran in the kitchen and grabbed the towel off the stove and ran back to wipe it up and then took it back in the kitchen and laid it down in front of the stove.  She also has added black and white to her colors.....they sound more like "back and ight" but whatever she still knows them.  We have been working on saying "I love you".  It is the cutest thing ever.  I love hearing her little voice! She has gotten really good at pointing to my tummy when I ask her where the baby is.  Toinght she rubbed my tummy and gave it a kiss.  While playing with her baby tonight, she swaddled her.  I'm talking a real swaddle.  Laid the baby down in the corner, lifted the bottom corner up on legs and then wrapped each arm in the sides and picked her up and put her on her shoulder and patted her back.  She is going to be such a big help with the new baby!!

I was so worn out tonight I let her play in the bathtub for way longer than normal.  She was having fun and I could sit in one place and not move--perfect. She discovered she can blow bubbles in the water and roll around on her tummy.
She did not potty it up in the bath.  She puts a bath color changer in her water every bath.  I let her put 2 in now to mix the colors (we're tired of the yellow, blue and red) and she grabbed 2 yellows this time.

Lastly, I'm having a stroller crisis.  LOL  I bough a Jeep double stroller a few weeks ago off a facebook site, but now I found a sit-n-stand that I really like.  It does all kinds of different things.  I'm meeting tomorrow to look at that one and have to decide exactly which one I want.  (I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy it unless it looks worn out and then decide and sell one)

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