Monday, I picked up Kirby after work from the vet's office (he had been boarded over the weekend while we were out of town). His doctor said his glucose was still too high and we needed to up his dose to 3 units twice a day instead of just the 1 unit twice a day. I'm getting very frustrated. Not with Kirby, it's not his fault, but with the whole situation. I want him to be healthy and I hate knowing that he's sick. It's very sad to me. I took him home and then picked up Korie and we met Shannon at a consignment sale in Plano. We shopped until we dropped and got some really great stuff.
This is my shopping cart. In my defense, Shannon's blue bag is resting on top with some of her stuff, but everything under, above and hanging on the side of the blue bag is mine. I went over board as usual but you can't pass up on these deals. Mom had picked up Makenzie and watched her until I got home but didn't want to give Kirby his shots, I don't blame her, so we rushed home so I could feed and give him his insulin. It's like I have a newborn at home again that has to eat on a schedule.
Tuesday, Makenzie and I went to gymnastics. Oh gymnastics. I have a love/hate relationship with gymnastics. I love the idea of gymnastics, and Makenzie being in a class setting and getting to play, but holy crap--it's way more work for me. I always walk in expecting my child to behave and stand in line and wait her turn, but that just sets us up for failure. She's 2 and she is not perfect and I try really hard to remember that. She loves the beginning of the class which is jumping on the trampoline and playing in the pit(which is me throwing her in the pit because she doesn't like it in the pit so much--more so pulling the blocks out of the pit and stacking them). After those two things we crash and burn. They do a circle with stretching and little activities--she hates it. And then is the "fun" obstacle course--she hates it. She doesn't want to do any of it and ends up rolling around and crying. I make her sit on the side so the other kids can participate instead of having to crawl over her flailing body. When that doesn't work we move to the little room where you take you shoes off and she finishes her tantrum there and we walk back out--only to find out that class is over. It's torture. I moved her class to Saturday mornings at 9 and we are going to try that for a few weeks and see if it's any better and if not we are going to take a break until I'm not pregnant and she can focus for more that 20 minutes. Wish us luck. On a happier note, Makenzie told me she loved me back when tonight when I said "I love you" and Wednesday morning she said it for me video. I love that sweet voice so much!
Wednesday, Korie and Dallas came over to play. Those kids had so much fun. They played and ran and danced so hard.
Tonight, Makenzie and I laid low and played. It was a good night with no major meltdowns so I call it a success. A lady came over and bought Makenzie's baby bedding that I had listed on a facebook site. It was a little sad seeing it go, but I know I won't use it even if I have another girl--I'll want a new room.
This crazy girl was all smiles all night. I love her so much. I'm so lucky to be her mommy.