Sunday, August 11, 2013

Weekend Recap

Mimi came to stay the night Friday.  We met her at Hobby Lobby and shopped for awhile, and Korie and Shannon met us there too.  Afterwards we all went to dinner.  It was pandemonium.  Kenzie was awful.  She wouldn't sit in her highchair, just wanted to grab handfuls of chips, cried, wouldn't eat, cried, cried, cried.   I switched out her highchair for a regular chair for her to stand in which was a little better, but not much.  Not to mention our waitress was awful.  I couldn't get out of there fast enough.
Can you tell how un-amused I am with dinner.

After dinner we came home and played with Mimi until Scotty got home. 

She kept bringing Mimi all her babies to hold.  I sent that top picture to Scotty and he didn't even notice Makenzie in the dolls.  She loves her Mimi so much!!!  When Scotty got home and Makenzie went to bed, we headed out to do some grocery shopping at WalMart.  It's so much easier to go late at night and not be so crowded.  And we have fun getting to walk through and take our time. 

Saturday morning we woke up and went to some garage sales.  Mimi got a car seat for her car and I scored some Tiny Toms for $5 a pair....I got pink and black!!!  We came back home and started on Makenzie's wall.  I'm doing a chevron wall and needed to grid the wall to tape off the chevron.  We started out using the laser level and a book to trace the lines--didn't work out so well.  Not to mention my little helper was in the way!!

We gave up and I went to Pinterest to look for an easier way.  I found a blog that said she did it by tracing a 12x12 piece of paper all over the wall and she said that it was much off I went.
I traced a 12x12 piece of paper over her entire wall.  It took about 45 minutes but was much easier than what we were doing before.  So now, I'm waiting on my super awesome sister in law, Korie, to come help me tape it off and paint.  Once we paint I can move her furniture in and get her settled into her new big girl room.  I'm really excited to get this done so that I can focus on the babies room when I find out what I'm having. 

That night we went to a friends house for her birthday party and see their new house.  Their daughter is in Makenzie's class at school.  It was fun and we all hung out and let the kids run wild and have fun.  We didn't get home until late and Makenzie did great.

Shannon did something funny to Korie and we all laughed but the funniest thing was that Makenzie tilted her head back and was laughing so hard.  It was a great night.

Sunday, Scotty prepared his new smoker and some meat to cook out for my parents coming over for lunch.  I left and met the girls at a consignment sale in Frisco.  It was lame.  We are used to the ginormous Just Between Friends sale and this one seemed so small and over priced.  I didn't stay long and came back home to help with lunch.  Mimi and Papa came over and visited and we ate.  Scotty did a great job.  Everything was delicious.  (I get so nervous everytime he cooks out because I am "meat juice paranoid" and end up cleaning up behind him making sure all the juice gets cleaned up.  He is the complete opposite and walks around touching everything and letting juice drips--ewww)
While my parents were there we I decided to flip the mattress around.  Everyone lined up to flip our heavy mattress and my mom realizes....
The boys both got on one side and left her to one side by herself....LOL   They figured it out and flipped it and now we're not laying in holes anymore!!!

It was a wonderful weekend and we got so much done and had fun with friends and family too.  Makenzie picked up a new catch phrase....NO.  She will say no, noooo, or no no non stop.  It's not fun, but her little voice is the cutest thing I have ever heard.

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