Thursday, August 15, 2013

Sleepless night

Last night Makenzie had to sleep with us in our bed because her room smelled too much of paint.  I knew it was going to be a pain but it had to be done.  Scotty took her in there and laid down with her about 9, which was already an hour and a half past her bedtime, while Korie and I finished painting.  It took her about 45 minutes to fall asleep.  When I came in for bed, this is what I found...
Sweet little angel.  I didn't want to turn on the TV like I usually do before bed and she woke up while I was looking on my phone, so I had to turn that off too.  I'm not one to just lay down and fall asleep, I have to unwind, usually by watching TV or looking on my phone, especially after painting for 6 hours.  The last time I looked at the clock it was after midnight.  She woke up at 2 frantically searching for her "BLANKET".  If you notice she has plenty with her in the bed, but the little tiny pink one was lost in the covers.  I found it and then laid us back down.  That was it.  She was tossing and turning, slurping on her thumb, flipping sideways and laying on me.  I thought very seriously about dragging her crib out of her room and into the living room and laying her in there but decided that was too much work.  About 4am was the last time I looked at the clock until 6am when I woke up for this....

I love those two so much.  And as I watched them so peacefully sleeping all snuggled up to each other I couldn't help but be annoyed.  LOL  Scotty heard nothing all night (he later told me) and Makenzie didn't have to work today---ugh!  Well, she cried from the minute I got her up until the minute I walked out of her daycare.  She kept saying "hold you mommy" over and over again and clinging onto my hand.  It was the most awful feeling pulling my hand away from her.  I knew she was tired and just wanted to snuggle her mommy.  I called later to check on her and her teacher said she was fine and playing but she noticed her yawning a lot.  She is going to bed early tonight and sleeping in her own bed!!!

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