Thursday, November 21, 2013


My sweet girl is sick!!  She started out with a croupy cough.  She sounded like a seal barking when she woke up yesterday.  I found out her teacher at school has strep and had been there all week, so I was not happy about that.  Today she woke me up at 4 with a nasty cough but seemed to feel fine and laid in my bed talking to me all morning.  Needless to say I'm exhausted.  Scotty met me with her after work and I brought her in for an appointment.

Poor thing has strep throat and RSV.  I figured she had strep since she kept pointing in her mouth saying boo boo.   She can't catch a break, bless her heart!  We had a busy night going to pick up Kirby, home to change a dirty diaper, back out to get her medicine, stopping for dinner and then finally home. 
On a brighter note, Kirby had his diabetes check up today and his sugars are stable.  YAY!!  We will keep him at 5.5 units of insulin twice a day and he doesn't have to go back to the doctor for 3 months!!!  I was so excited to hear that!!! 

I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick too.  I am now congested, coughing, and feel like I have fever but every time I check it it's normal (my face feels flushed), and I'm EXHAUSTED--more than just pregnancy tired.  My stomach has been queasy for the last few days.  Fingers crossed I don't get it and that we have an uneventful night and lots of sleep!!!

(she gets into all my bathroom stuff when I'm "occupied" in there and her new favorite finds are my shower cap and this thing I put around my head when I wash my face at night)

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