Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekend Wrap up

What a whirlwind of a weekend.  It always seems to be though I guess.  Friday I picked Makenzie up from school and took her to Bebe and Papa's house to spend the night.  I had to work a flu clinic Saturday morning and then had a hair appointment, so they agreed to let little britches stay with them.  Bebe got Makenzie a little doll house that they played with and Kenzie loved it.  (excuse her outfit--she had a blowout at school and this is what she came home in)

Look at how much hair this kid has.  I always let it dry on it's own and it stays curly, but Bebe loves to brush her hair.  
I came home and cleaned up around the house and then laid on the couch until Scotty came home with dinner.  I was so tired.  I basically ate and went to bed by 9....I know, real healthy!!

Saturday I was up bright and early and headed to work for a flu clinic.  It was the slowest one we have had since I've worked there and it seemed to drag on forever!  Afterwards, I headed to Laura's house to get my hair done.  I feel so much better after getting my roots done!!  I ran a few errands on the way home to get Kenzie and then we headed home and got ready for a date with daddy!  He picked us up and we went to a new restaurant that we haven't been to.  It was ok, but I don't think we will go back!  Kenzie was in such a good mood and insisted on bringing her baby inside to eat with us.
She was so funny.  She would take a drink and then give baby a drink, same with her food and then would wipe her off with her napkin every time.  Whatever it takes, right! She was happy and content!  We stopped off for ice cream on the way home and then off to bed we went.  I have been so extremely tired lately.  It's all I can do to keep my eyes open right now blogging and it's only 8pm. 

This morning we slept in, and got an extra hour due to daylight savings!!  Love that!!  Kenzie's appetite is definitely back.  She ate 2 eggies with cheese and then ate a pop tart and had bites of my food too.  She lost weight from her surgery so I guess it's good that she wants to eat!!  I laid her down for a nap and then met mom in town to do some shopping.  We had so much fun.  It's nice to get away just me and her and always more fun to be able to take our time and not have to rush because of a certain toddler with us.  I was able to finish all our outfits for our family pictures and of course came home with extra stuff I wasn't going for!!  Scotty called when she woke up from her nap to say she woke herself up early with a poop blow out, up her back and everywhere---so sorry I missed that one daddy!!  NOT.  We played and hung out when I got home and then tried on our clothes for pictures to make sure everything fit.
I'm really excited.  Kenzie looked adorable and Scotty actually liked his outfit too. 
(I want to document this.  A couple weeks ago I took Makenzie to the park but we had to leave early because she pooped and I needed to change her.  We laughed about it and I joked that we don't poop at the park we poop in the potty.  She has randomly been bringing it up.  She has told the cashier while we were shopping, she told her teacher at school the other day when I was picking her up.  Tonight while we were trying on clothes I was telling Scotty that our pictures were going to be at a park and Makenzie said "heeeyyy, I poopoo park" and covered her face and started laughing in a high pitched giggle.  It was so funny.  Of course then she kept saying it over and over and covering her face and giggling.  She is so funny.)
We also put all the Halloween totes back up in the attic.  Kenzie loves when she finds baby Madison's stuff.  She got out her bumbo chair and surprisingly still fit in it.  She even insisted on bringing it inside and sat in it off/on all day.
My sweet little baby on the right on my big baby on the left.  After sending this picture to my mom I decided to look through her old baby pictures.  Kenzie insisted that the baby was Presley.  I kept telling her that it was her as a baby and she would say "no it Presley".   It was cute, she loves baby Presley.

I also have to brag on her a little.  She colors really well.  She loves to "co-jour" as she says it and insists that we color ALOT. 
She stays in the lines really well and finishes that piece that she is coloring before she moves on.  I think she does a really good job for her age.  Looks like she is going to be a righty.  I thought for sure she was going to be a lefty, but now she writes and eats with her right hand.

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