Saturday, January 11, 2014

Baby shower weekend

Yesterday I met Bebe at Makenzie's daycare! She had taken a half day and wanted to get Kenz but didn't have a car seat!  We ran a few errands and came home to play!  Once Kenzie went to bed, Bebe and I (mostly Bebe) got busy in Madison's room!  We finished a tutu skirt for her table, hung up tissue balls in the corner, finished and hung her bow holder and made some flowers!  It's finally finished!!!

Today was my baby shower!!! We woke up early and headed out for donuts!! The baby shower was perfect! A bunch of my friends and family came and celebrated sweet Madison! Shannon, Korie and mom did such a good job at planning a perfect party!!!  Kenzie helped open all the gifts and stole 2 lovies and a blanket!  Stinker! Poor Madison is never going to be able to have anything soft or a blanket!  I have a few pictures on my camera that I will post later! We loaded up and came home so Kenzie could take a nap and mom and I unpacked and made piles of everything Madison got and I made a list of what was left to get that I needed!!  We headed out to Hobby Lobby and Target when Kenzie woke up!  I used gift cards and got most of everything else that I needed!  Bebe headed home and Kenzie and I went home to wait on daddy to come home with dinner!  I got a few totes out of the garage to go through and Kenzie helped me by pulling each outfit out one at a time and say "this is cute mama" and "this is Madi's, it's cute".  She was cracking me up.  I did 3 loads of baby clothes laundry and have at least 3 more loads already lined up for tomorrow!!!  

Tomorrow my mom and dad are coming over to put together the trampoline, finally!  Poor Kenzie has had to look at it everyday sitting by the back door since Christmas!  My plan is to wash and install the car seat, find a missing part of the pack n play, and bring in the remainder baby stuff still in the garage!  Once that is done, I'm "ready" for Madison to come! My bag is packed, minus her coming home stuff and bows, but we could manage!  I'm still hoping I can make it until at least Feb 1st if not until my induction on the 6th!  I'm really nervous about my water breaking and going into labor. I think because I didn't have that with Makenzie!  I was induced with her while at a regular dr appt so I never had the surprise "I'm in labor" thing!  I know everything will be fine, but I would really like to just make it to my induction and not feel like a walking time bomb for my water to break and the mad rush to make arrangements for Kenzie, get everything ready and loaded and to the hospital!!!  Fingers crossed she will stay in there cooking a few more weeks!!!!

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