Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Today did me in!  I slept really good last night, but I should have known it was too good to be true! I rolled over to get out of bed and felt like my hips were splitting!  I could barely walk.  I made it to work and hobbled along but by the end of lunch I was so uncomfortable and almost in tears! I headed home and Scotty met me there to drive me to the doctor!  My doctor diagnosed me with being 9 months pregnant! Lol. He said my hips are spreading preparing for delivery (she must not have got the memo that she's not coming out that way).  She is measuring at 39 weeks and he said probably a big baby which is why it hurts so bad when she moves!  He did give me a note to not work anymore until I have the baby!  I don't think I could have walked around at work anymore anyways!  I lost 2 pounds since last week (I'll do my official post tomorrow) and he said it was mostly fluid weight--I lose it all at night peeing! I had my pre-op surgery bloodworm after my appointment and then we headed home! 

This morning, I brought Kenzie with me to work to have her seen by the doctor! She has hand, foot and freaking mouth! I can't believe it! Flashbacks to December of 2011 are haunting me! She got a minor case if it but it hit me like a ton of bricks! Fever of 104 for days and so many blisters I couldn't bend my hands or hardly walk! Not to mention pregnant women are not supposed to be around rashes especially right before delivery!  If it's not one thing it's another! 
This is yesterday and today there are about 20 more red spots around her mouth!  She's a trooper though! She never has run fever and she's been eating like a horse!  They say adults aren't supposed to get it, but with my history of having it, I'm skeptical.  I'm washing my hands like crazy and putting her medicine on with q-tips! 

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