Saturday, June 27, 2015

Happy Birthday to me!!

31----how in the world am I 31?  When I was little I always thought 30 was sooooo old, and now here I am, a year past it even.  Crazy!  I had a lot of changes last year that have set me up for an amazing year.  I have new amazing strong friendships, less drama and "friends" that weren't really friends, a healthier lifestyle, an amazing family and new goals.  This is going to be the best year yet!!! I am so excited to see what comes in my 31st year!!!  We started the day out with some shopping.  Jessica and her kiddos came over and we all piled in my car and headed to the mall.  Kenzie must not have gotten the memo that on mommy's birthday there is no crying or whining....
It was awful.  That was pretty much how she was the whole time until the last 15 minutes we were there.  We chose to ignore her and continue shopping anyways.  I ended up getting a lot of cute things and I didn't HATE trying on clothes this time.  And for a bonus nothing I bought had an X in front of the size this time.  Sarah met up with us and then we went to lunch at Red Robin.  I kept meaning to take a picture of all of us but we were talking and laughing so much that none of us remembered to.  We got home and unloaded and I was just about to lay Madi down for a nap when Scotty called and said my mom was watching the girls for the night so we could go out for some drinks.  Hallelujah!  I packed their bags and we hit the road.  I told my parents I felt guilty for leaving them over there because of how awful they had been acting. (not too bad though because I all but let their feet hit the ground before I turned around and ran to my car to leave).  I met Sarah for a pedicure and it was heaven.  The last time I had one I had both kids with me and there was no relaxing.  I left there and went to Home Goods and looked at every isle.  I never get to do that.  Scotty met me at MiCocina for some mambo taxis!!!  Amy came up to bring me a birthday card and was coaxed into having a drink with us.
I miss hanging out with her and I'm so glad she stopped by.  A nasty storm blew in so we stayed and had another drink and then called it a night.  Oh how the old days of birthday partying are gone.  We were home, in bed, childless by 9:45.  I fell asleep halfway through watching Gone Girl.  It was such a nice and relaxing birthday spent with amazing friends.

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