Thursday, June 18, 2015

Sick baby

Blow drying Makenzie's hair is more like a wrestling match!  Madison wants to be on top of her sister the whole time or is trying to climb in my lap between us!  She LOVES kissing and hugging her sister!

We have started playing games at night when Scotty is home!  Tuesday we played Trouble, Frozen style of course.
Oh Lord.  Madison steals all the pieces or hits the board and knocks everything over!  Kenzie is clueless as to what is going on!  Scotty and I were so ready to be done with that game!  Wednesday we started our with soccer!  Madison slept in and stayed home with her daddy while we went!  It was raining and nasty so we spent the rest of the day inside playing, and crying!  Both girls were incredibly whiny and cried off and on all day!  Madison even got her first official timeout!
We had absolutely nothing to eat in the house so the girls and I loaded up and headed to the store!  I tried to sneak out alone but Madison wouldn't leave my side all day!  As soon as we pulled into a front row parking spot, I heard my all time least favorite sound....throw up!  I got out and ran around and poor Madi had gotten sick!  She was pitiful!  I stripped her and cleaned what I could and we headed home!  On the way home I kept asking Kenzie if Madi was ok.  She said, "don't worry I'm her big sister and I'll watch her".  So sweet!  She ended up getting sick again in the driveway and then got a bath!  We spent the rest of the night in bed sipping on Gatorade and watching Mickey!  She slept all night but was pretty pitiful this morning!  I made her an appointment and we headed out!
I wasn't taking any chances this time!  Taking off the car seat cover and washing it and reassembling it is a pain in the butt!  She ended up having strep and an ear infection!  That explains the whining, not eating and throwing up--should have known!  I had the worst mommy guilt from putting her in time out, but we are trying so hard to break the tantrums and we thought that was what was happening, no clue at the time that she was sick.  Her doctor was more worried about her weight!  She lost more weight since her appointment at the beginning of May!
I have to bring her back in 2 weeks and have blood and urine done and she also has to have a sweat test done too!  Poor girl!  She HATES the doctors office!  She was worn out so we came home and watched Frozen.
Kenzie was so cute at lunch!  I told her I needed to go get the movie out of the car!  She said, "wait Mama you don't need to go.  I'll do it because I'm a hero".  Bebe came by to check on Madi when she got off work!  So naturally we did headstand before dinner! 
I made spaghetti for dinner because it is Madi's favorite and I needed her to eat!  Worked like a charm and she had 2 helpings!  What goes in must come out and out it came!  Blowout on the couch (thank god she wasn't on the floor) and into the bath she went!  She insisted on wearing panties like Makenzie and she was so proud of herself with them on!

I'm pretty sure she still has them on as we speak!  Scotty will love that in the morning!

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