Friday, January 2, 2015

Welcome 2015

It is going to take me awhile to get used to writing 2015 instead of 2014 on everything.  I still can't believe it is a new year already.  Yesterday, Kenzie helped me take down the Christmas tree and the rest of the decorations I had up.  When we finished we spent the rest of New Years day at my parents house.  Scotty had to work so the girls and I loaded up and headed over.  We had a yummy lunch and ate our greens and black eyed peas.  I'm looking for some good luck and money this year!!!  After lunch Bebe, the girls and I laid down in her bed for awhile.  We all ended up falling asleep.  Madi was so tired she fell asleep sitting up against me.  

These girls love each other so much.  Madi crawls all over her big sissy.  She will crawl up on her and then lay her head down on her head or her shoulder.  It is so sweet.  
Kenzie wants Madi to do everything she does.  I let her do most things that she comes up with.  Madi loved riding Kenzie's car with her.  
I can't get enough of these smiles.  We headed home to hang out with daddy when he got off work.  Kenzie fell out of her chair while eating dinner.  Not just a little fall.  A fall out of chair, hit face on the corner of the table and slid down the leg, and then banged head on the floor when she landed.  It was awful.  I checked her mouth and saw blood on her teeth and though she chipped or lost a few but she had bit her tongue and that's where the blood was coming from.  Then.....while I was feeding Madi in the living room, she plopped down in my lap and the spoon hit her mouth with some food on it.  She got up and ran in the kitchen to wipe it off and get a drink.  We heard her gag one time and then she came in the living room and said "that was yucky" and then threw up on the rug.  All I could do was laugh.  Then.....while we were brushing her teeth before bed, she slipped off her step stool and hit her chin on the counter which made her bite the other side of her tongue.  Sister had a rough night. 

Today was BOOOORRRRRIIIIINNNNGGGGG.  It is cold and rainy and we were stuck inside all day.  I woke up grumpy which didn't help and I felt like a snapped all day at the kids.  I hate that.  Kenzie was grumpy and mean to Madi all day.  She would rip anything that Madi was holding right out of her hands.  She played with her baby toys all day and then would get so mad if Madi touched her toys.  I put Madi's hair in her first little pony tail after her bath.
It was so cute!!!  Tonight before bed Madi crawled up in Makenzie's lap and sat with her for the longest time watching cartoons with her.  Every time I snapped a picture the flash would make her look over at me.  She loves her big sister so much, and I'm pretty sure Kenzie loves her just as much.
 I'm vowing now to wake up in a better mood tomorrow and love on my babies extra to make up for today!!!

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