Friday, September 27, 2013

What we've been up to

What a week!! Glad it's Friday because we are so ready for the weekend! My "sweet" girl has been a handful this week. Crying and fussy and whiney and throwing fits! 

Tuesday she started out cute and sweet!
After school I thought I would treat her to a snow cone....tantrum city the whole way! I really wanted a snow one so I got her one anyways! 
Amazingly her mood changed!  Stinker!

Wednesday was the same! Lots of crying and screaming!! Like for 45 minutes in the car--it was terrible! Bebe was coming over to make curtains for her room so we waited for her outside!
I seriously don't know how she can look so sweet when not even 2 seconds before this she was in time out for a tantrum!! She helped Bebe sew curtains!
This is the final product....
I love them!  I need to get some cute pink tie backs! 

Thursday morning was really stressful! Lots of crying, time outs and yelling! She cried the whole way to school and the whole time I was dropping her off! I hate that! I just want to pick her back up and go home!! When I got there to pick her up she felt really warm to me! When we got home her temp was 102! I had been saying all week "I wonder if she doesn't feel good and that's why she's acting out", I should have listened!!  After some Advil she was good to go! 
Love this little princess. 
OMG--after she went to bed I got ready to clean Fishies bowl! I scooped him up in the net and put him in a cup of water--except he missed the cup and went in the sink into the drain! (Not the garbage disposal side, the one with an actual drain). My heart started beating so fast, I'm surprised I didn't pass out right then! I grabbed the net to try and scoop him up but it was too big to fit into the drain, so I grabbed a wad of paper towels to try and scoop him up, but I grabbed too much and couldn't get him that way either!  I grabbed a spoon and scooped and flicked him back in the net and VERY carefully put him in the cup! I slumped down on the floor to calm down and then peeked into the cup to see it he was swimming! I know I stabbed at him with the net and smashed him with paper towels! Poor fish.  Once his bowl was easy I poured him back in and kept my fingers crossed all night! He is breathing, but just kind of floats sideways at the top of the water!!
It was awful!  I hope he makes it!!

Today Scotty stayed home with her and brought her to the doctor! Guess what??? STREP freaking THROAT! Should have known! Poor girl!  I felt so bad for being "mean" to her this week!  I would get so aggravated with all the crying and I felt so bad knowing she had been so sick all along!!  I got home and took over shift change!  I gave her some Advil and we headed out to get her medicine! It was "cooler" today and no one was at the park so we stopped so she could play a little!  She was so excited. I can't wait for cooler weather so we can go more!
Look at all that hair--bless her heart!! Lol
After the park we had a date together at Cici's!  This was the first time, ever, that I have been to a "restaurant" by myself with out another adult!  She did great, pigged out, and it was fine! 
She loved the pasta with Alfredo sauce, my favorite too!!  She was so funny! When we were done she got a napkin and put one hand behind my head and took her other hand with the napkin and wiped my face, every inch of my face, with the most serious look ever! I could hardly help from laughing! She then said "hand" so I gave her my hand and she wiped it down front and back! It was so cute!  She did this over and over until I couldn't help but laugh!  We left Cici's and headed to Walgreens to get her antibiotics! I bribed her the whole time with ice cream so I followed through and we got an ice cream sandwich on the way out! 
She loved it!  It fell apart in her hands towards the end so she open palm shoved it in her mouth. I was having a minor panic attack looking in my rear view mirror, but I handed her a wipe and she meticously cleaned get face and hands just like she had done mine at Cici's! Such a little ham!!  She was back to normal tonight! I missed my girl all week! We played and laughed and played some more! It was wonderful!  I am super sad that this is her 11th time to get strep and that she has to have her tonsils taken out next month, but hopefully that will take care of the problem!!

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